This session will focus on how to use an eCommerce Discovery Process to evaluate your client’s existing business operations and help define what questions to ask about their proposed eCommerce project.
We’ll address how a detailed project /client discovery helps develop an accurate Scope of Work that allows the developer/designer/content strategist to give a reliable time and cost estimate for the project. The process identifies inaccurate assumptions and improves communication, adding value to the client relationship— they don’t know what they don’t know.
The eCommerce Discovery gets to the real motivations, agendas, drivers, expectations, goals on the table at the beginning. This avoids being surprised by time-released, headaches throughout the project. When expectations are clear on both sides, implementation is less stressful for everyone. This process will help you develop a robust infrastructure including what tools and processes will be needed to support your client’s business strategies and help them efficiently launch and manage their eCommerce operations.
This presentation will be an updated version of and and will include the Pleiades Services eCommerce Checklist
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