eMail Marketing is a valuable business tool…
Learn how use it to your advantage
Email marketing helps you keep customers and prospects coming back. Professional-looking email communications help you stay in regular touch with site visitors and build strong customer relationships that lead to increased sales of your products and services.
Last month’s meeting ended with a spirited discussion about how to use email marketing to build our online businesses; and we ran out of time before we could discuss some best practices. I thought a more detailed examination of email marketing might be a good Idea.
eMail Marketing: An effective, affordable way to build your online business
Internet marketing studies have shown that it takes an average of FOUR TO SEVEN points of contact to make a sale online — and you won’t make it to the second point of contact if you don’t have a way to reach your visitors after they’ve left your site.
By simply by collecting their first name, last name, and email address, you can stay firmly on their radar and expose them to your products time and time again — all at nearly no cost to you! These people are your opt-ins, and an opt-in email list is the very foundation of any online business.
What we will cover:
WHO you should be considering when you build your opt-in strategy
– Know your target market — and build an offer they can’t refuse!
WHAT to offer your visitors to get them excited about “opting-in”
– Discover the opt-in incentive that will provide maximum value for your opt-in email list — and get your subscribers in the mood to buy
HOW to promote your offer
– Build a compelling opt-in offer that no visitor to your site will ignore!
– You NEED to answer their biggest question: “What’s in it for me?” The best way to do this is by always emphasizing the benefits of your product or service, as opposed to the features.
– Include a call to action.
– Include a link to your privacy policy
WHERE to put the opt-in on your web site
– Review your server logs to research the most popular page on your web site. Analyze what pages visitors stay on for the longest time and build your opt-in offer around what’s on those pages.
Additionally we’ll examine some common email Marketing Myths:
eMail Marketing Myth #1: eMail Marketing Is No Longer Effective
eMail Marketing Myth #2: eMail Promotions Will Damage My Credibility
eMail Marketing Myth #3: My Customers Will Think I’m Spamming Them
eMail Marketing Myth #4: People Will Unsubscribe From My List If I eMail Them
eMail Marketing Myth #5: eMail Campaigns Are Difficult To Design And Deliver
The key to making eMail advertising work for your business lies in understanding how it can help you build and maintain relationships with your customers (and customers-to-be). The responsible use of permission-based eMail will allow you to tap into the profit-generating potential of your opt-in list more efficiently — and cost-effectively — than any other marketing tool.
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Notes from Oct 22, 2010 eDoItHerself Meetup by H. Sandra Chevalier-Batik
The eDoItHerself Meetup is the fourth Thursday of the month.
7 pm —9 pm
911 West Anderson Lane #203
Austin TX, 7875
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