Part1: Determining the market
for your book
Many business owners, know they need to find ways to better monetize their existing enterprises. Those of us who don’t already own a business, are thinking seriously about starting one. Multiple streams of income is one path to a more financial secure future. T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield and other business development mentors, all stress the importance of reviewing and using, our personal and profession experiences and expertise, to look for opportunities to solve problems and sell the solutions.
Developing Passive and Residual Income Streams Through Publishing Projects
For many of us, writing and distributing self-published eBooks or printed material based on our passion and purpose seemed like a good first step. Many Pleiades Publishing Service’s clients have contacted Nick or myself asking for advise about how to publish your work, so I thought I’d summarize the Author Entrepreneur process in a series of Pleiades Publishing Servoces Blog entries.
If you are moved to consider self-publishing, you are most likely dealing with a book of your heart … a book that you believe in. That makes it harder to step back and consider its position in the market place objectively.
Some are some points to consider in that process.
1. Who are the customers for your book?
2. What is the potential market (how many buyers) for your book?
3. Where are they? How will you reach them? (Internet marketing and website Search Engine Optimization, social networking, print media advertisements, direct mail campaigns, trades shows)
4. How will your publishing project meet the needs of your targeted customers?
5. How will it benefit them?
6. How is your book better than your competition’s…how do you maintain your edge?
7. Will emerging or changing technology affecting your publishing enterprise? How?
8. Have you budgeted for both time and money to market your publication project?
Social and viral networks are two specific marketing trends that are being used successfully by Author Entrepreneurs. Both are inexpensive options, however the trade off is a significant investment of time and single-minded purpose. To achieve success (make sales) using social and viral networks takes focused intent and a complete commitment to promoting your work. Are you willing and able to commit the time needed to leverage social networks effectively to market your publications?
Watch your RSS feed for the next three Pleiades Publishing Blogs that will address the Author Entrepreneur process and building an income producing author entrepreneur enterprise.
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