Making Money With Your Website
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard us touting the benefits of a Web site for small-and medium-sized businesses…but we’re not the only ones! Craig Reardon at Australia’s SmartCompany has a great article detailing the “golden opportunities” available to retailers who leverage the Web, and encouraging all enterprises to hop on board!
Reardon announces that despite all the “doom and gloom” we’ve read about lately, “I have some great news for retailers and it’s this: The Internet can multiply your sales with only a modest investment.”
“…You can expand the size of your market over and over again and not have to set foot from your business.”
And you’ll reach out to new customers on a global level, as Reardon explains. “With only the addition of the online channel, which is now more affordable than ever, (businesses) can be picking and packing off to Finland as well as they can to Fairfield.”
What other advertising avenue can offer all that? And since you’re setting discounted prices during the economic downturn, your Web solution is even more accessible to those small businesses! (And you won’t have to sacrifice BV! It’s a win-win!)
Reardon ends his article with the simple reminder that plenty of competing enterprises have already staked out an online presence, and it’s vital that other small businesses step up and get their company on the Web!
“The message for retailers is now crystal clear. If you don’t look after your customers online, someone else will.”
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