Successful Entrepreneurs Have Learned How To Delegate
There is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. There is much more to delegating than meets the eye. It does not mean to simply hand out assignments. It is a science and an exercise in understanding one’s self.
Some of us have been lucky enough to find our strengths and at the same time recognize areas traditionally referred to as weaknesses. It takes mammoth strength to let go and say “OK this is not my area of expertise and here is where I need help. This is how I will get this help.” Often, there are things we wish we were good at but somehow can not seem to grasp ( not for lack of intellectual ability, but for lack of experience/exposure). We must learn to accept this fact.
In this fast paced world we live in, we must choose what it is we wish to conquer and what we need to let go of. An artful business person learns what she does best and does that to the best of her ability. She lives it, breathes it, and sleeps it. It is a passion. The rest can be left to someone else.
Unfortunately, that someone else does not just appear from thin air. Networking or “relationship building” is the initial key component of delegating.
You need to determine how your time would best be spent. For example, as a fundraiser, I know that in a given month, I can raise ‘X-dollars’ with uninterrupted, focused time. At the same time, I also want to publish a newsletter and send it out to my budding clientele. I have no experience creating a newsletter. While all of the software is at my fingertips, the question is do I really have time to learn it? I ask myself: “Should I learn the newsletter software and design my own newsletter or should I spend $X and hire a designer who already knows the software and just supply the content?” Better yet, I could ask a local graphic designer to barter their services. But how do I find the local skilled person to barter with? You can find this person through networking and relationship building.
The key is to determine what you need to know, want to know, must know, and already know. Keep lists with these headings to remind you of these things. It is a great feeling to cross things off your list.
Source: Used With Permission, Business Wealth, © 2004 BusinessWealth
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