Personal Mastery as a Business Skill Personal Mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience and seeing reality objectively. The discipline of Personal Mastery clarifies the things that really matter to us, and helps us live our lives in the service of our highest aspirations. […]
Change Management
Common Decision-Making Mistakes
Sound decision-making is a critical entrepreneurial skill set. Developing even a relatively straight forward WordPress site requires dozens of decisions; each of which can define your brand or effect the position of your enterprise within a category, We have found that developing a website or a marketing campaign can be an extremely stressful time for […]
Ten Steps to Sound Decision-Making
The Decision Process This process can be applied to any situation where you need to make an important decision. If you follow these ten basic steps, you will find yourself making wiser decisions in your professional as well as your personal life. 1. Define, as specifically as possible, what the decision is that needs to […]
Can You Make a Decision?
Decisions, decisions, decisions… When starting and implementing a major marketing initiative like upgrading to a WordPress site, expanding an existing WordPress site, or designing a new logo and updating your corporate identity package, it seems like every time we turn around, we have to make more decisions. The question is, “Are you a good decision […]
The Vision Thing
Since the “Whatcha Do?” Blog entry, I’ve fielded a number of questions about the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement. Some clients have asked if their company’s Vision Statement is an “Internal Document, meant to guide and inspire stake holders or a “public statement” that should be included on their website or […]
The Highly Effective Entrepreneur
Getting It All Done — Right The efficient use of time, treasure and talent, is the hallmark of a successful business owner and highly effective entrepreneur. Developing a game plan for your workday helps you master the biggest game changer of them all… the ability to manage your time effectively. Richard Branson said; “We all […]
The Power of Delegating
Do What You Love — Delegated The Rest It is quite liberating once you really do let go and put your trust in other people. The key here is to identify good people, enlist them in your cause or business, give them the ball, and then allow them to run with it. Only you will determine […]
Experts Delegate
Becoming an Expert Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. The old adage holds a lot of weight in today’s entrepreneurial environment. No one can possibly run a small business alone. I know this because I have tried. Know what you do and do it the best you can. I recently started a small business. I could never […]
Why Delegate?
Successful Entrepreneurs Have Learned How To Delegate There is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. There is much more to delegating than meets the eye. It does not mean to simply hand out assignments. It is a science and an exercise […]
The Cycle of Completion
Making Way for Success by Jack Canfield Do you live in a state of mental and physical clutter? Do you have a bunch of unfinished business lurking around every corner? Incomplete projects, unfinished business, and piles of cluttered messes can weigh you down and take away from the energy you have to move forward toward […]