Have You Marketed Your Business Today? I wanted to stress the importance of doing some marketing immediately. Small business owners must market daily even if all the pieces of your marketing plan are not yet in “perfectly” place. Think Joe Vitale… he markets his books for pre-sale months before they are available at stores and […]
Business Strategy
The Power of Delegating
Do What You Love — Delegated The Rest It is quite liberating once you really do let go and put your trust in other people. The key here is to identify good people, enlist them in your cause or business, give them the ball, and then allow them to run with it. Only you will determine […]
Experts Delegate
Becoming an Expert Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. The old adage holds a lot of weight in today’s entrepreneurial environment. No one can possibly run a small business alone. I know this because I have tried. Know what you do and do it the best you can. I recently started a small business. I could never […]
Why Delegate?
Successful Entrepreneurs Have Learned How To Delegate There is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. There is much more to delegating than meets the eye. It does not mean to simply hand out assignments. It is a science and an exercise […]
Why Every Business Needs a Web site
Small Businesses needs an Internet Strategy in 2009 With every passing year, small- and medium-sized businesses that don’t have a Web site are losing their competitive edge. And since the Web is quickly becoming a beacon of light during a dark and dismal economic crunch, there’s a strong possibility that a Web presence could save […]
What make YOUR business unique?
…And have you told your potential buyers about it? By Derek Gehl I just got back from an incredible seminar in the UK in a beautiful little town called Bournemouth. It was a terrific seminar with more than 3000 attendees, all PUMPED on the idea of achieving online success. During the weekend I got to […]