Making Money With Your Website By now you’ve undoubtedly heard us touting the benefits of a Web site for small-and medium-sized businesses…but we’re not the only ones! Craig Reardon at Australia’s SmartCompany has a great article detailing the “golden opportunities” available to retailers who leverage the Web, and encouraging all enterprises to hop on board! […]
Business Strategies
Internet Marketing and Technology
Overcoming the “Technical Learning Curve” By Derek Gehl Here is just one example of an extremely common question that arrives in my inbox on a daily basis… “WHAT IF YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR WAY AROUND A COMPUTER? What if that is why you are sitting with $1,000 worth of products and cannot use them […]
Online Marketing Communities
“Are free online marketing communities a waste of time?” By Derek Gehl Recently I’ve been getting lots of questions about my exclusive online marketing community, the Internet Entrepreneur Club. Some people want to know why they should bother joining my online community, as opposed to all the “free” marketing forums that are spreading all over […]
Online Catalog Sales
Six tips for making your catalog site more effective By Andrew Mallory Recently we received an email from Bob and Peggy Langevin, who asked us to take a look their site, It’s a catalog site that sells a wide range of different products. As always, I’m delighted to offer a few pointers on how […]
Getting More Internet Sales
Need Some Sales Help? If you’re still struggling to turn your website visitors into paying customers, there’s a good chance your salescopy could use some “tweaking.” After all, your sales copy is the part of your site that does the “heavy lifting.” It needs to establish the problem you’re solving… carefully explain why you’re the […]
Does Your Site Need A Blog
Blogging 101 By Derek Gehl Derek These days, blogging has become a staple part of many online businesses. Yet I still get regular questions from my students and Internet Entrepreneur Club members asking, “why do I need a blog?” At first glance, a blog is really just an online journal that displays a series of […]
Out Sourced or DIY SEO
Four “must-know” tips to help you choose the right SEO firm By Derek Gehl One of my readers, Richard, recently wrote to ask me for some advice on choosing a company to take over his search engine optimization efforts. Now, search engine optimization is something you can easily do yourself — and when you’re first […]